Originally Posted by filtherton
Okay, so you've done a sweep and you have in your possession ten people whom you suspect to be involved in terrorist activities. You're not an idiot, so you know that completely innocent people may have been caught up in your sweep. After you've tortured all of the people caught in your sweep, how do you know which ones are actually terrorists and which ones only told you what you wanted to hear because you tortured them?
I would follow up on all the leads generated. At first equal weight would be given to each lead until additional information started supporting some leads over others.
If I did a sweep I would have evidence supporting the sweep, I would have some connection between the 10 people and the enemy. I would never do a random sweep.
The level of torture would depend on the level and potential timing of the threat. For example if I had information that terrorist were going to attempt to kill thousnads of people within 24 hours and that information was credible, I may have to go beyond the legal limits to get the information needed to prevent the attack information.