Thanks for the tips, I might try the towel thing, though when I had help from my ex, we still had trouble the two of us, mainly because they wriggle a lot and I'm chicken.
Originally Posted by Lady Sage
Ahhhhhhhhh I love cats!
1) Bathing. Hold the cat by the scruff of the neck so that only their bottom feet can touch the bottom of the bathtub. This prevents 99% of cats from being able to move for fear they will fall into the water.
Hah. BS. Not my cats. When my ex used to try and bathe them, they scratched the hell out of him no matter what the technique was. I have to say he was pretty good with them, he didn't like getting "scarred" but he got the job done. I take them to my vet's to be bathed now, It saves a lot of hassle and they sometimes get sedated a little there.
Originally Posted by Lady Sage
2) Paws. When you are petting the cats gradually work your way to the paws. Stroke them gently on their chest and legs, eventually youll be able to stroke their paws and even play with their feet. This takes time and trust.
I stroke their paws all the time. That's not it. Like I said I can pretty much handle them like putty when everything is calm and I'm not doing something out of the ordinary. Usually I manage to cut the claws on the first front paw and then they start wriggling and licking at my fingers like they're saying "what are you doing?...get off!"
Thanks for the tips, I will try some of these and hopefully I'll master it. I was wondering do they make any padded body suits so you can do this sort of thing and they can be as annoyed as they want and it doesn't matter?
Just kidding!