Originally Posted by aceventura3
What I have difficulty with is the notion that a corporation is often considered "bad" when the corporation does what it need to do to survive.
If a corporation does
anything it needs to survive, is that action justified? Is survival of the corporation the only goal?
I worked for 10 years (long ago) managing retail branches. My branches were always the most profitable branches in my region, and I always paid a higher hourly wage than my peer managers. I was often encouraged to cut back on my labor costs so that I could be more profitable.

Many could not see the obvious: I was more profitable
because of my kick-ass staff. And they kicked much ass because they wanted to be there and they made more dinero.
I generally handle labor issues by treating my people better, and raising the expectations of their performance. Everyone tends to win that way.
My girlfriend owns two business that are the most successful in her field in the state of Oregon. Successful defined as volume of sales and profit. I would say they are the most successful because everyone enjoys working for her AND because they are profitable. She pays significantly more than her competitors.
Your model is silly, and the conclusions you draw about liberals because of it sillier. Although I'd guess you started with those conclusions, didn't you?
Oh, and people would consider us both liberal.