People who drive behind you for 10 minutes only to pass you and immediate hit their brakes to make a right turn. Couldn't have waited 5 seconds until the turn came up? No,just wanted to see me come to a grinding stop.
People who watch me approach them from 1500 feet out, only to turn in front of me when I'm 50 feet away.
People merging onto highways going 20 miles an hour only to have their stupidity outdone by the idiot who slows down to wave them in. That one should take the Good Samaritan Asshole Award everytime especially when everyone behind has to brake hard. Any transport drivers out there?
People who pass you on the highway only to slow down in front of you.When this happens repeatedly with the same driver,the pit maneuver becomes an option.
People who insist on parking in front of stores at strip malls blocking half the road when the parking lot is 10 feet away. Please,park in the parking lot and give your fat fucking lard ass the 5 minutes of exercise it gets before it lands back on the couch.
Well I feel better now,..