Some people have more money than sense.
I've been playing a lot of "free" poker lately, and doing quite Absolute Poker account somehow found a $96 grubstake deposited in it, just for giggles.
That was about 5 days ago. I played a bit through the week, and had bumped that amount up by about $50. I figured out that playing head's up was more my style, and decided that tonight I'd stick to just that.
My account now has $390+ in it, and there is one very perturbed AP player right now.
I sat down with a guy at a $20 table, and he was raising everything, calling every raise I made, and playing so loose it was sick. By the time I figured him out (I couldn't believe someone was playing THAT loose for $20 a pop.

), he had me outchipped by about 4:1, and I couldn't come back even knowing what was up. But, as soon as I was out I hit the same table, and so did he. I folded the first six-seven hands, then finally flopped two pair. I thought I had him nailed, but the turn and river brought him a straight.

So I'm going to give it ONE more try at the same table, and he sits down again........and sure enough, I have his number. I fold anything that isn't a medium pocket pair or better. I let him steal all the blinds he wants. But when I have something, I nail him to the wall, HARD. I play textbook tight-aggressive poker. I don't bluff at all, and don't bet anything less than top pair or better. I win this time. He sits down again, and so do I. And I beat him. Now we are even.

He wants some more, and I oblige, and take a $20 from him.

He disappears from the table, so I go look for another game.
I'm feeling good, playing with house money, so I peek at the $50 head's up tables.

Guess who I find?

So I sit down, and take $50 from him.......and he wants more, so I take ANOTHER $50 from him.

I figure that I'm pressing things, so I log off, and go watch a movie. I decide a few minutes ago to check out the tables again. I often peek at the head's up tables where one person is waiting to play, just to see if I see someone that I've had good success against waiting to play. :angel: Who do I see? :rotfl: You guessed it!!

So I log in, sit down, and take $100 from him.
So, all told, I took $220 from the SAME guy, all within about 2 or 2 1/2 hours, at head's up hold em.

I'm guessing he doesn't have nice things to say about me right now.