Originally Posted by Ustwo
Yea well thats your opinion, I have mine, though mine doesn't have cool red letters. You can also find people who think you shouldn't spank your child, and I don't agree with them either, just like you can find psychologists who think violent behavior is due to low self esteem. I'm willing to go with the opinion of all of human history over some psychobabble.
Personally I'd hope they use a case by case basis. Some people will crack easily under torture, others will respond better to kindness, I would hope we have our own interrogation experts deciding whats the best method with each individual.
You're not talking about something that is in debate. This is not a 50/50 decision. 99.999% of psychologist and psychiatrists agree, and the other .001% work for the Bush administration. There has been a consensus. If all the Mathmaticians all came together and said "1 + 1 = 2", that's pretty much what we're talking about. Anyone who's actually been tortured or has tortured can tell you the same thing. It's completly unreliable, and it's done to instill fear not to extract information. My uncle happened to be a POW. He can explain it a lot better than I can. To suggest that a dentist knows more about torture than a POW is right up there with most of the other things you say. Kinda nuts, and really conceited. You can easily dismiss one of the more basic aspects of understanding the human mind, not unlike Tom Cruise telling Matt Lower that people that psychiatry* is a pseudoscience, and that taking vitamins can easily clear up postpartum depression, but for the rest of us hundreds of years of research and development in creating psychology as a science trumps your personal experience.
How do you feel about Brooke Shields?
Edit: I wouldn't assume to argue with you over matters dental. You have the schooling, and the experience that clearly and completly trumps my own. I have a degree from a well respected school in psychology. My mother has her doctorate. I am active in the psychological community. While I've never tortured anyone, I do understand the mechanics behind it quite well. If that's not enough for you, that's fine. There is plenty of evidence to back me up. There are people who are the most respected experts in the area of the human mind that agree with me. There are books and papers and textbooks that agree with me. Do all of these things really amount to nothing in your mind? Is this just another thing to skip over?
*TY, Smooth