First off, welcome to the forum.
Originally Posted by nsfx
Here's my stance: I do not put blind faith in any conspiracy theory, and I definitely do not put blind faith in the government. I think everyone here would agree that more facts are needed in order to sort things out. By "facts", I am referring to deductions based on hard evidence. By "hard evidence," I am referring to official *unedited* media (full-length quality video tapes and audio recordings, interviews with various relevant personell, et c.) and official reports (scientific statistics, reports, blue prints, et c.).
There has been plenty of evidence gathered, plenty of experts in there fields have investigated the events, and time and time again, it is shown both through the evidence in the rubble and through simulation that steel trusses with out there fire proofing are unsafe and will collapse when exposed to fire (not to mention a plane).
Originally Posted by nsfx
That having been said, I ask (cynically): Who has the goods? The citizens don't... or at least not anymore (e.g., the videos that would have been the most compelling were all confiscated immediately). The media doesn't. Alex Jones doesn't. Dylan Avery doesn't. What we have is incomplete information from a variety of sources ranging from poor to decent credibility. I certainly admire the people playing detective and trying to sort things out, and it's amazing to see how far some studies have come like /Loose Change/. But there is still a certain amount of fog... at least for me.
The videos that were gobbled up are being released, to the public. I don’t know why they were taken in the first place, overreaction on the government’s side I guess, but they are being released, with exception being the security cameras at the pentagon its self, unfortunately, it is a security risk to release there positions, I completely understand them not wanting to release those tapes.
Originally Posted by nsfx
Surely the government must know there are a lot of skeptical Americans out there. So, if it's so cut and dry simple -- if the traditional story of the terrorist hijackers is so plainly and obviously true -- then why doesn't the government just take care of its *concerned* citizens and clear up all the bullshit once and for all? Release a better video of the Pentagon attack or something. Explain the melting steel issue. Explain the cell phones. Explain _something_! I mean if it's really as simple as the conservative media makes it out to be, then disproving (with *hard* evidence) *everything* in a study like /Loose Change/ would be a piece of cake.
They have cleared up many of the issues you raised, you just have to look. There was no melted steel, none, this is a common misconception that many conspiracy theorist post on there web pages that is just plane wrong. no one besides them has claimed it was molten steel, all quotes that I have seen regarding the molten metal have been disputed by the person saying they were quoted, disputed that they said metal, not steel.
Originally Posted by nsfx
Until then I have to be wary of my government which I already disagree with on a number of out-in-the-open issues.
Don’t be wary of the government for 9/11; be wary of what they do in the name of 9/11.