Originally Posted by kutulu
Yes, your experiences should apply to everyone because 'you and your friends' are a representative sample size. We should all feed our kids processes crap and there is no correlation between increased consumption of processed foods and obesity rates.
Sarcasm? Bad kid day?
My point is, there's a lot more to a kid's health than making sure the yogurt doesn't have sugar or going ballistic over a french fry. Feeding kids crap then plopping them in front of a tv or computer, don't complain if they're overweight. But a Happy Meal for lunch and a nice afternoon in a playground isn't going to hurt them and will do them more good than that obsessive food-nazi business. I can just see Jr now: "Mommy says I can't have that because the triglycerides may interfere with my cardio-pulmonary development"

All they're doing is raising phobics by being so adamant. There's balance and that ain't it.
For the record, my son had a behavior allergy to sodium nitrate. He understood no hotdogs, no lunchmeat, etc.
I have a nephew who, at 17, is about 6'1" and 350 lbs. His parents thought he had a 'healthy appetite'; instead he has Type 2 diabetes, diagnosed when he was just 15. Do they stop the sodas, the junk food, etc? Nope...Like I said, balance.
And, when you're surrounded by parents with kids the same age as your own on a daily basis, you tend to compare notes, so, yes...that is a basic representative sampling.