Originally Posted by SugahBritches
I think that as long as you stay in communication and are able to read (or stay in tune) your spouse's/partner's moods then you know what they are thinking without guessing. I personally know when the boss is .........well, "in the mood" and I try and meet that need, even if I might at the time....not be in that mood. But, once in the throws..........well....I ain't complainin' and I'm pretty much in the mood he is in!
That is awesome. I admire you for that. It sounds like you are both really lucky.
To answer your question my wife and I have talked about it. She knows that I want more sex.
I'm not sure what you mean by romance.
Some aspects of it seem natural and important to me. Weekly dates, flowers, frequent love notes, the daily "I love you" & "You look beautiful because...." I enjoy it.
I think we stay caught up and can read each other well. I know I enjoy knowing my wife and how she sees things most of the time.
Maybe I need to wash the dishes and wash her car more often. Is that what it takes for some women to be ready to open up generously?
Is it possible a lot of wives put sex on the back burner while their career or children consume their attention? Their focus would be on things that come naturally and are emotionally easier than sex.
Anyway, I appreciate the advice. I didn't even know this was on my mind until I read the excellent posts here.