I have been married for 7 years. I'm 30, she's 28. No kids born yet.
We have averaged once a week. That includes holidays where it's twice daily and those frequent times where it's less than twice monthly. I just don't understand the dry spells.
I think we've been in love for 6 of the past 8 years, and we're more in love today than ever. I try to make sure we get caught up each day on what has happened. She seems to believe my love for her. We trust each other. We go out on a date almost every week and get away together 2-3 times a year.
We engage in foreplay almost daily. When we do get together in bed her pleasure comes first. But that's not very often. And somehow she manages not to miss it.
No matter what we only have sex occasionally.
It makes an otherwise wonderful life pretty frustrating.