Originally Posted by politicophile
Let's at least make an effort to raise the bar above obvious red herrings: I'm talking to you, guccilvr, 1010011010, and ngdawg.
You appear to have reading comprehension problems to have made this comment after helpfully linking to tu quoque.
Originally Posted by politicophile
Smokers need to admit that [...] they are harming the health of those around them through the effects of secondhand smoke.
Non-smokers need to admit that they dislike smokers and smoking because they find it to be a smelly and disgusting habit. Many (most?) smokers will agree with them between coughing fits.
The demonization of second-hand smoke is similar to homeopathy insofar as it relates to smoking in well-ventilated spaces which are only momentarily inhabited.
It's arguably inconsiderate to smoke near primary building accesses as it forces everyone using the door to be subjected to the unpleasant odors you're producing. Same with not warning people that you smoke before giving them a ride in your car, or asking if the folks around you mind before you light up.
Smoking is bad for smokers. No one, and certainly not somone who has been smoking for a while, is going to argue about that. Someone else smoking as you walk past them does not endanger your health... unless you make some snide remark and they kick the shit out of you and take your wallet.