the point of my earlier post about the algerian war addressed the ustwo approach---the manly man approach--the mode of attempting to suppress horizontally organized movements through the use of torture--was not only ineffective in itself, but the political consequences of its usage so far outstripped any possible benefit that you would think its would be avoided by any sane government. that the bush administration would prefer not to think about precedents for their actions--and algeria is a far better aalogy for the idiocy of the ongoing "war on terror" than is vietnam--is not surprising, given the administration's cavalier relation with reality, with telling the truth, with transparency, etc etc etc.
ustwo's posts here indicate that he prefers to pretend that a state is like a private individual--which is consistent with the bush people's legal philosophy in its emphasis on the overwhelming prerogatives of the Leader in a state of exception and the usage of the state of exception to suppress or dismiss democratic processes like the rule of law--the problem with this position is--quite simply--that it is insane if it is actually applied in the world that other people know about.
that this analogy would have any purchase seems to me an example of the kind of shabby thinking that conservative ideology seems to rely upon to operate at all.
so while you are fantasizing about whacking and dismembering people that you would take to be "terrorists" without any rational standard for proof or even a recognition that such a standard might be helpful, ustwo, i will consider believing in some god long enough to thank whatever that may be that you have no power.
a gramophone its corrugated trumpet silver handle
spinning dog. such faithfulness it hear
it make you sick.
-kamau brathwaite
Last edited by roachboy; 09-29-2006 at 11:42 AM..