I can agree that there needs to be a continuous (okay maybe not continuous but at least frequent) debate about our reasons for being in Afghanistan (or any adventure such as this... I see that Harper in his speech the francaphonie supports the UNs intervention in Darfur, which suggests Canadian troops on the ground) but do not see Afghanistan as America's war.
Sure it was spurred on by 9/11. But frankly, I don't see 9/11 as tregedy that solely belongs to the US. There were *many* citizens of other nations that perished that day (including Canadians). From my point of view the Taliban *needed* to be removed from power. What they were doing to their people was abhorrent and the idea that their influence could spread to somewhere like Pakistan or beyond, was particularly gauling.
The war in Afghanistan was a true "coalition of the willing". It was long overdue. If 9/11 had not occurred we would likely today still being talking about doing something (much like Darfur) rather than actually doing something.
Layton is right to encourage questions... we should always (ALWAYS) question our reasons for going to war. War should never be waged lightly.
What is sad, is that our coalition's biggest resource (the US military) has been side tracked by folly (i.e. Iraq). Had they stayed in the game to their fullest, we might be a lot closer to completing the job.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke