Originally Posted by Baraka_Guru
What Layton did was open the doors for debate over our role in Afghanistan, which I think is necessary since I'm not sure if Harper's unchallenged decisions adequately represent Canadian values. If we're going to be there for a while, we need to be clear about what we're doing there.
Don't forget two things here:
1) It was not Harper's conservatives that brought us into Afganistan in the roles that we are playing. It was the Liberals.
2) This is a minority government. The government can be challenged at any time. When there is a majority goverment we can be upset at them for not listening to the people. When there is a minority governemnt your MPs can challenge the government. If the NDP, Bloq, and some of the Liberals really believe in what they say and fell stronger about it than they do about their cushy jobs or the possibility of winning the next election, then challenge Harper. The only one that can really do this without any reprecussions is Layton. he has nothing to loose and everything to gain.