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Old 09-28-2006, 11:27 PM   #14 (permalink)
Marv.....d-i-d y-o-u r-e-a-d t-h-e a-r-t-i-c-l-e i-n t-h-e s-e-c-o-n-d q-u-o-t-e b-o-x i-n t-h-e t-h-r-e-a-d OP?

Compared to the opinions of the US military leaders who served, and Vietnam, your comments seem unpersuasive. If you have something to back what you claim, why not react to the points made in that informative piece:
A publication of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. ®
An organization chartered by the U.S. Congress

June 2000/July 2000
Desperate Measures
Search And Destroy, Rolling Thunder, Agent Orange, Phoenix, And Taking The Night Away From Charlie......
...because, Marv....your posted points remind me more of Reagan's political rhetoric, than of any substantive debate.

....and Marv.... 4 years after the 3 year long, period of "Rolling Thunder" ended, with the '68 Tet Offensive......the US was still bombing, just the way you apparently thought they weren't...."hot n' heavy":
NBC Evening News for Sunday, Nov 07, 1971
Headline: Vietnam / Fighting / Air War / Report
Abstract: (Studio) Battle occurred Sunday E. of Saigon between Americans and VC. Viet Cong casualties reported B-52 bombers hit Cambodia, Laos and South Vietnam. United States air support more important Center of International Studies at Cornell University releases report with regard to air war.
REPORTER: Garrick Utley

(DC) Study shows level of bombing greater under President Nixon than under Lyndon Baines Johnson: in 1965-68, 3,015,000 tons dropped; in 1969-71, 3,400,000 tons dropped. United States dropped 2 million tons of bombs in World War II; 1 million tons in Korea and 6 million tons in Indochina. 1,050,000 civilians killed since 1965: 6,000,000 refugees reported Defoliation since 1962 affected 14% total area: 5,200,000 acres forest land, and 560,000 acres crop land. Report's final remark read.
REPORTER: Robert Goralski

NBC Evening News for Tuesday, May 23, 1972
Headline: Vietnam / Bombing
Abstract: (Studio) United States pilots bombing North Vietnam may now attack almost anything contributing to North Vietnam's war effort, according to Defense Department, Ind. as well as military targets will now be hit. Electric power plant hit near Hanoi. Americans use new bombs guided by lasers to destroy 6 bridges on rail line leading from Hanoi to P.R. China.
REPORTER: Garrick Utley

CBS Evening News for Wednesday, Jun 20, 1973
Headline: Bombing Statistics / Cambodia-Laos
Abstract: (Studio) United States drops 50,000 tons of bombs on Cambodia in last 2 mos. Statistics from Senator Harold Hughes. More bombs dropped on Laos than all enemies in WW II.
REPORTER: Roger Mudd
Marv, IMO, the things about Vietnam, that you are convinced of, are absurd, "feelings based" opinions, not supported by the actual record. How many more tons of bombs should have been dropped, and how many more Vietnamese should have been killed of wounded, to "win it"?

With the record of "all that help" from the US.....directly from at least 1964 to the end of 1972, why was the US unsuccessful in it's goal of "Vietnamizing" that civil war? Could the comments in the second quote box on this thread's OP, possibly be the reason?
The underlying factor in all this is that while there were people in South Vietnam who didn't like the Vietcong, there were very few people willing to die for the Saigon government. The Saigon government was corrupt and ineffective, and that was the bottom line......
The point of everything that I've posted, that because the above "lesson" was and still is obscured....for Ronald Reagan's rhetoric, and that of others, the US is grinding it's treasury, it's military forces, and the people of pieces,,,,relearning, the same lesson. So far....only US troops, in response to orders from civilian politcal leaders, show consistent willingness to reliably counter Iraqi insurgency and preserve the US installed and facilitated Iraqi government. Iraqis have not "stood up", so we can stand down....and they won' the point that our forces will ever withdraw without a collapse of the Iraqi security forces, after the US withdrawal,

That is why the Iraqi security forces won't be properly equipped or have full logistics support. The fear of US leaders is that the assets of US trained Iraqi forces will fall into the hands of the insurgents. That is already the case, in too many instances, just as ended up happening with the military assets of ARVN forces, in 1975.
ABC Evening News for Tuesday, Feb 10, 1970
Abstract: (Studio) Melvin Laird arrives in Saigon; says Vietnamization irreversible.
REPORTER: Howard K. Smith

(DC) Laird expects to drive home facts to Nguyen Van Thieu. Laird will. make it plain United States cuts to go on; nothing will stop it.

(Studio) Major part of Vietnamization is teaching South Vietnam to fight for themselves with United States weapons.
REPORTER: Howard K. Smith

(Fort Wolters, Texas) Fort Wolters, helicopter training for 300 South Vietnam; 19 weeks of training; more training in Alabama follows; may train thousands. <h3>Many trainees have reservations about their government, especially about its corruption. [South Vietnam SOLDIERS - can t talk about political]</h3>
REPORTER: Gregory Jackson
ABC Evening News for Tuesday, Jul 04, 1972
Headline: Vietnam War / United States Training
Abstract: (Studio) Fall of Quang Tri city to South Vietnam seems near. South Vietnam paratroopers landed in city limits and set up own defense positions 1/2 mile from city center. South Vietnam helicopter pilots trained in US.
REPORTER: Harry Reasoner

(Savannah, Georgia) Over 1400 South Vietnam completed 5 month helicopter pilot course in past 2 years Training to be in South Vietnam by South Vietnam from now on, a loss for Savannah families who housed South Vietnam pilots in training.
REPORTER: David Snell
The record shows that the US gave it an earnest try....Marv.....for more than a decade.....with a half million US troops, all the bombing imaginable, 58,000 American dead....and an impressive Vietnamization of the war.....and it turned out not to be enough Marv. Wishing and indoctrination via political rhetoric and individual anecdotal references of lower echelon US veterans of the Vietnam conflict, cannot turn what happened into what you think happened.

Same shit....different day:
NBC Evening News for Tuesday, Feb 17, 1970
Headline: Vietnamization
Abstract: (Studio) Defense Secretary Melvin Laird reports to Pres-. on Vietnamization; military part of schedule. Dep. United States Ambassador to Vietnam William Colby testifies to Senate committee [Senator Stuart SYMINGTON - asks Colby if South Vietnam could handle situation in Vietnam without Americans] <b>[William COLBY - believes Vietnamization a gradual thing; can give no set time for all Americans getting out.]</b>
REPORTER: David Brinkley
C'mon.....Marv !
CBS Evening News for Friday, Oct 15, 1971
Headline: Reagan / South Vietnam Visit
Abstract: (Studio) California Governor Ronald West Reagan, on Asian tour, congratulates South Vietnam President Nguyen Van Thieu on unopposed election victory; notes George Washington unopposed.
REPORTER: Walter Cronkite

(Saigon, South Vietnam) Thieu puts in urgent request for Reagan's visit; fears appearance of snub if he didn't come. <b>[REAGAN - says doesn't know why such an uproar over uncontested election; feels purposes for Americans dying in South Vietnam still valid; notes United States fighting against totalitarianism.]</b>
REPORTER: Bruce Dunning
I thought it was Ronald "Wilson"....not "West".....the point is.....Reagan knew better....but he was a fucking actor..... it was all a performance, Marv. WINK
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