Originally Posted by d*d
If I believe the sources Ustwo pointed out, we're fine - global warming predictions are fear mongering ill concieved half truths to scare us into what - recycling stuff and lowering the amount of pollutants we spill into the atmosphere? I'm not sure of the motives of creating a hoax such as global warming, who benefits financially from it?
I've been trying to frame this question. Clearly for politicians on both sides of the issue, there isa political motive, but there's nothing too sinister about that. They are merely taking a stand on an issue in order to gain the favour of voters. However, financially, there is a lot to gain from those things that accelerate global warming (should that be the case).
I am not convinced that the global warming naysayers are acting in the interests of "exposing fear-mongering." Why is it such a big concern anyway? They're afraid people might have to, heaven forbid, act prudently...or worse yet...reduce consumption!??