Thank you and Welcome!!!
Wow, I am really excited about this new forum. I guess I just wanted to say thanks to all the people who worked so hard to make it happen, it seems appropriate.
First, thanks to mods analog, nikki and spectre for being supportive and helpful in pushing this forum through. Please forgive me if I forget anyone, I was late in arriving at the Great Pet Forum Debate, I think there was another mod who was very helpful too.
Tfpers: I want to thank Elphaba, LadySage, and Miss ShaniFaye and thingstodo in rallying for the cause and pushing hard to get this forum out.
And of course we should thank hal(x) cause he made it happen for us.
Well, we got what we wished for (wow, look at all the room in here) now it's up to us to take care of it. Remember, share your Pet stuff and scoop yer poop!
P.S - I can already forecast some future stickies: "The Great Cats vs Dogs Debate", "Pet Pictures" and maybe "Pet Resources - Links etc".