A quick note to the people freaking out over not being in the room, and insisting that it's nonsense the mom wasn't in the room, or that you'll be in the room for forever from now on:
She'd have died anyway. You wouldn't have changed anything.
What are you hoping you'd have done? Know better than the doctor with a license in anesthesia? Tell him to stop because you know better than he does?
This is reactionary posturing. There's nothing she could, or would, have done if she was in that room.
Also, to the "3 sedatives sounds like a bit much"... "sedatives" is a very broad word, especially when talking to the general public. Not everything called a "sedative" literally means it puts you to sleep. Some intravenous sedatives simply allow you to relax, like an anti-anxiety drug. Anti-anxiety drugs are often used for sedative purposes, but would not necessarily compound the reduction in the rate of breathing caused by the NO2. Also, children go into respiratory arrest far easier and more frequently than adults do. I am hoping, for the sake of this doctor and the family of the girl, that they find out it was a reaction to something she was given, that could not have been known beforehand.
The ONLY hope would have been if the parent was paying attention to the breathing like a hawk. Given the everyday nature of the events prior to the accident, I doubt very highly that she'd have caught it soon enough for the effects to have been reversible.
The true nature of the story is, she was administered an overdose of anesthesia which stopped her breathing. Even if the mother had noticed the breathing had stopped a little sooner if she'd been in the room AND paying enough diligent attention, the damage would still have been done.
I'm not yelling, or being mean. I'm pointing out the glaring logical fallacy that is causing paranoia and a lot of posturing to go on in here. Calm down. Thank you.
Last edited by analog; 09-27-2006 at 09:37 PM..