I'd just like to thank you guys for this thread.
I've always had some homosexual urges in me. Heterosexual ones as well (more of them, and I suppressed the homosexual ones, so at times I feel straight. Others, I identify as bi. Flavor of the month, I suppose).
At the same time, I'm homophobic. Not heterosexist, but homophobic.
There is NOTHING wrong with homophobia. It is just like claustrophobia, agoraphobia, etc. It is an irrational fear of something that you cannot control. Small spaces, outside places, or homosexuals, it doesn't matter. So that's made a bit of an internal struggle for me at times, having these urges and being afraid of them more so than the average gay/bi at coming out.
Anyways. Fast-forward to present, where I'm with an amazing girl. Our relationship is mindbogglingly close for me - I love it. One of the things that bothered me from time to time, though, is that she is bi. She's experimented with girls in the past.
Now, it may seem horrible, to be who I am and still to have a problem dating a bisexual. I'm sorry - I can't control it.
But, in some way, this thread has helped. I'll post more later when my thoughts clarify.
I'd just like to say thanks.
EDIT: Oh, and again, sorry for the necro. Seems to be a trend of mine today.