Originally Posted by Seaver
Really? We're taught in Christianity there are master races? Point that out in the Bible.
I believe I stated he used it to sell his persecutions.
There weren't that many people on Earth? Are you serious? One city alone had over 2 million... yet there were not many people alive.
Yes, I am very serious and show me in the history books where a city of 2 million was taken out completely (every living person) pre-nuke. Actually show me a City (not a region, not a country) where there were 2 million people living before 1800.
Mongols killed between 200,000 to a million people IN ONE CITY when they took Baghdad. But dont forget when they took all of China, massacred everyone in Semirechye, estimated massacre of 1.5 million inhabitants of Khwarazmian Empire, conquoring of Korea, Northern India, and the areas above the Caspean and Black Seas.
You have proof, let me see the history books can I have a link? As a former history major, I would be very interested in seeing this as I have never even heard of this.
The Huns? Read up on Aquileia and why it no longer exists (Hint: Used to be the Jewel of N. Italy)
Really, and there were 2 Million in this city also?
Actually their religion DID come into play. The Mongols believed that life in the afterlife depended on the successes of one's life. The Vikings believed that dying in battle was the only way into Valhalla. The Huns believed in the prophecy of Atilla's sword, which was granted by one of their Gods.
I'll grant you that.
Thank you. If anything Hitler was Pagan. The rituals for their SS were taken from pagan rituals and symbols. While very few shared with Christianity, if you can show me where Christian symbols were used go ahead (and not the Iron Cross, that belonged as a symbol of Germany for millenia).
I did not say Hitler or the leaders was doing it in the name of Christianity, they sold the idea it was being done in the name of Christianity. And yes, he killed the Catholics too, because they were not "part of the Christian master race" he "envisioned".
And no, Hitler nor the leaders were Pagan.
I am not going to argue this anymore, my point obviously was lost. My point is that Christianity went through their time of "convert or die" terrorism and violence (and the differing denominations did it also). So we cannot blame nor condemn Islam as a whole, as some people seem to be doing.
When we have our "church" leaders appologize for abortion clinic bombings, the KKK, burning crosses, manifest destiny, and so on, then I'll expect an appology from the other religious leaders.
Until then, I see organized religion for what it is, a way to control masses by fear and to gain power by promising a better life on "the other side".