Like ng, I took up B&H Ultra Lights when the Surgeon General's warning finally appeared on full strength cigarettes. The warning on ultra lights was a mere warning about cigarette smoke containing carbon monoxide, so I continued to justify my smoking because it wasn't anything worse than the city air I was breathing.
But the tobacco manufacturers were forced to correct the warning a few years ago and special attachments to each pack that said something to the effect that the low tar/nicotine claims where unproven or some such. Did I quit? No. So who's responsibility is that 1) I started smoking to begin with, and 2) continued smoking even after it became clear that ultra lights could not be considered "safe" any longer?
Was I deceived by the tobacco companies? Sure I was, but I was a willing participant in some regards. My husband survived lung cancer and I am *still* smoking. That speaks to the intensity of nicotine addiction and my lack of determination. Pathetic.