Originally Posted by pan6467
So in essence you have destroyed well paying jobs for jobs that people cannot afford to live on, have no benefits (no vacation time, and you call in sick one time, you can lose your job). And yet, Neo-cons are okay with the movement backwards and believe this is ok.
That is what Wal*Mart produces, and the practices they execute.
Would a union help? Perhaps. But what is more important is for people to stand up and say, "enough, pay workers liveable wages. Stop the bullshit."
How anyone can defend these practices is beyond me.
It's not Republicans or Democrats for that matter who are responsible for the downward trend in retail wages. It is because of the large number of people who endorse these policies by shopping there. The average shopper does not give a darn what the employees are paid, only where they can get items for the lowest price. People vote with their feet and seem to like Wal-Mart's prices and most would probably encourage them to lower wages even more if they could pay less for things.