Why on earth did he give her all that when a single shot of novacaine was enough? I can't help but feel had her mother been in there, she would have at least questioned all that....if that kid dies, I would fully expect the dentist to be charged with negligent homicide.
I only went in with my kids their very first visits, but then again, they have never needed fillings or other work done except for cleanings and flouride sealings.
I seem to recall my mother being in with me at first, until the actual work started.
There are protocols to be followed regarding administering anesthesia that go by age, weight, etc. My sister's friend died as a young teenager from an OD of anesthesia during surgery to correct her scoliosis. That was always in the back of my mind each surgery I went in for....and while it's certainly rare to happen, it shouldn't happen at all.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.