Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Going back to the McDonald's coffee example, I think that everyone here needs to look at the actual facts of the case, as have been pointed out on previous threads. The allegation wasn't that the coffee was too hot but that it was served in an unsecured container that spilled easily. The claimant tried to settle out of court several times but McDonald's wouldn't budge (nor would their insurance company, and I actually know those guys very well).
Yeah, but the vast majority of people have no problem with the way McDonald's and Starbucks etc.. dispenses their coffee. They could serve it up in insulated screwtop containers that cost $20 each but it is not necessary except for careless people like this lady.
It's like sueing baseball manufacturers for not furnishing helmets with each baseball because you might get hit on the head while playing catch. Coffee is hot, baseballs are hard, companies should not be held responsible when people screw up while using them.
Well maybe the baseball analogy is a bit over the top but I think most will agree that these suits are frivolous.