Originally Posted by Gretsch Player
Good replies all. I would be happy to sit and write a long response, but I simply can't. I am sorry.
Can I, for now, suffice to say that her 'numbers' and my 'numbers' don't matter? I am actually gently encouraging her to have her first fling with my knowledge and consent.
Sounds like we are moving into the Hot Wife catigory here.
Hot Wife
The term hot wife refers to a married woman who has sex with men other than her spouse with her spouse's consent. In most cases the husbands of these women will enjoy watching, hearing, or knowing about their wives' adventures. Often the husbands take part, sometimes by engaging in a threesome, or sometimes just arranging dates for their wives. A distinct subculture of hotwiving is cuckolding. This subculture is generally defined by a relationship in which the husband enjoys the humiliation of his wife being sexually satisfied by other men.
From what I gather most these guys are not really interested in other women , and I'm not sure if MFM qualifies as a 'hot wife' but its a wikki piece. Can't say I understand it, but it seems to work for people.