OK. Here it goes, I'll try to keep it short. I am 38, and my wife is 28. We have only been together for 9 years. Off and on we have done things together, but nothing really "mainstream". Before we got together, I was in several relationships that were directly involved in swinging, i.e. hard core, every weekend, etc. Prior to that, and in between relationships, I was a frequent member of a then local swinghouse, where I felt priviledged to be the only single male that not only didn't have to pay a "donation", but was told that any time I wanted to come down, they would bump one of the single males that was on the reservation list, so that I could attend. (there was a limit of only 4 single males allowed in the house, for OBVIOUS reasons)
So for most all of my life I have been involved in the lifestyle for one reason or another. It is just that my wife is a little shy about it, and I love her more than I love the lifestyle, so it has taken a backburner, because even though I loved every second of it, I love my wife more. Let me know if I missed anything, or need to clarify anything else? I hope I gave enough information.
"It is not that I have failed, but that I have found 10,000 ways that it DOESN'T work!" --Thomas Edison