Originally Posted by Dragonlich
Saddam is on trial, for crimes against his own people and the world. The US isn't responsible for those crimes, even IF they supplied the weapons (which they didn't; ironically, Germans build the Iraqi chemical weapons factories). As always, it's still the guy pulling the trigger/giving the orders that is to blame. And that is Saddam.
As for it being possible for him getting a fair trial in Iraq; I'd say he's getting as fair a trial as is possible, given the circumstances. In fact, his trial is more fair than most trials of former dictators.
I believe the America is Bad argument would generate from the Trial because of the entailment that we, regardless of whether or not other countries were at stake for keeping him in power/helping him out afterwards (many of whom seem to be our allies from browsing the replies), helped to keep the man in power for a fair period of his reign. More specifically, he's on trial for killings done in 1982, a time at when we (and our allies) were backing him. It's pointless to say that we can't blame ourselves because Saddam is solely responsible. If the United States wasn't supporting him (and why should we have, considering we supported BOTH sides in the Iran-Iraq war) then we should have our best to stop him, yet, we did nothing until he attacked Kuwait. But, it is a fact that we did, and therefore partly responsible, along with our allies. Also, you say the person who gave the orders is responsible, well, I've read that Carter gave some encouragement to Saddam to start his attacks against Iran in the firstplace... well, hot damn. Also, we did supply him with plenty of chemicals for use in weapons.
Now, it's true that this may not have directly led to the things he did inside of his own country, but it's still evidence that we encouraged him to perform equally as devestating acts against those in other countries, specially Iran.
And lastly, from a logical standpoint, just because other dictators didn't receive a fair trial from their respective countries doesn't mean Saddam doesn't deserve one, being that it's a US-led Trial, and we're suppose to be known for fairness to all defendants, regardless of who they are. You say it's fair, many people think differently, I'm glad you were able to state your reasons and clear up why you think otherwise, perhaps changing others opinions to your own. Hopefully I at least cleared up why people are bringing up the 'America is Bad' issue into the argument, if not, then I too have failed in my purpose.
I found a few of possibly thousands of sources on some of my points you may not agree with (such as our giving chemicals).