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Old 09-24-2006, 10:53 PM   #33 (permalink)
pan, the internets are sprinkled with reports that James Baker is "the fixer" appointed to work below the radar, to devise a plan to "cut n' run", soon enough to contain the political fallout of the Iraq disaster, well before the 2008 election.

How many more American troops have to die in Iraq for this failed bullshit?
It's too dangerous, in the 4th year of this disaster....for the "fixers" on their "fact finding" mission, to even tour the capital city, let alone the country. I saw one of those "Never forget 9/11" posters covering the entire inside of the back window of a pickup truck, yesterday, and I thought, "how many "never forget "Pearl Harbor" signs were around in December, 1946? My guess is, none!

It's so bad in Baghdad, that nine of the 10 members of Baker's ISG who visited there for 3-1/2 days, did not venture out of the "greenzone", except for former military orfficer and senator, Charles Robb:
This Just In: The Iraq Study Group Has Nothing to Report

By Dana Milbank
Wednesday, September 20, 2006; Page A02

If President Bush and the Iraqi government are hoping for some solutions from the congressionally commissioned Iraq Study Group, they might want to start thinking about a Plan B......

.....As a general rule, it's a bad idea to call a news conference if you have nothing to say. It's worse if you announce that answers are urgently needed but then decline to provide any.

"The next three months are critical," Hamilton warned at the start. "Before the end of this year, this [Iraqi] government needs to show progress in securing Baghdad, pursuing national reconciliation and delivering basic services."

But no matter how urgent the situation in Iraq, the solutions will have to wait at least until Nov. 8 -- and possibly much later -- because of a more urgent consideration: domestic politics. We're "going to report after the midterm election," Baker announced.

Bill Jones of Executive Intelligence Review asked the obvious question. "The situation in Iraq seems to be degenerating from day to day" and may not be a "salvageable situation" by November, he said. "Shouldn't the urgency be propelled by developments in Iraq rather than the calendar here?"

Baker didn't think so. "We think it's more important, frankly, to make sure whatever we bring forward is taken, to the extent that we can take it, out of domestic politics," he said.

Baker, a troubleshooter for President Bush, said "We have said from Day One that we were going to report after the midterm election." In fact, Baker said on Day One -- the commission's launch on March 15, 2006 -- that "we have not set a time frame" and that "we may come forward with some interim reports."

The only thing the two would say yesterday is that they had met with lots of people, including several Iraqis on a 31/2-day visit to Iraq recently.

"How much were you able to leave the Green Zone while you were in Baghdad?" a woman in the audience asked.

Baker admitted that only one of the 10 members, former senator Charles Robb (D-Va.), left the capital's heavily fortified enclave to see the violence-torn land. "It was recommended to us that it would probably be something that we ought not to do but they were willing for us to do it if we insisted," reasoned Baker. "We didn't insist because we didn't want somebody to write a story that we were cowboyin' down there in Iraq.".....
Meanwhile, on the surface, the GOP strategy is still to brand anyone who advocates a serious dicussion of troop withdrawal from Iraq, as a "cut n' run liberal", while the sheeple are assured that the pretzeldent will "stay the course" to guarantee that our sons and daughters who have already given their lives, "over there", will have died for "a noble cause".

We've already seen that movie, Pan....and there is no better response to the hypocrisy and shallow political expediency that is being traded for the life of at least one of our soldiers, every fucking a politcally motivated holding action, for a "cause" that was lost before it started.......until "the fixer" Baker, can come up with the right "spin" to contain the political fallout.

I don't know any beter comparison to this new assault on our trust, than Kerry's 35 year old you?
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