The first was closest, though I have had contact with police before, specifically a group of sex crimes detectives, all of whom were kind and supportive. One I consider a personal hero and I know I'm not the only one who does.
The problem police have is that when they interact with the public, it's almost always in a negative way, either through giving a citation, question someone doing something suspicious, or talking to complainants/victims. Police tend to interact with people having a bad day, and people tend to interact with police only when having a bad day. The nature of the job makes positive interactions difficult, so I tend to give a little slack.
It's also fairly easy for me to do this, as I'm part of the demographic group least likely to have negative interactions with the police, a white, upper middle class, usually well-dressed, professional woman. In a decade I'll be middle-aged, and you can add in another demographic that will reduce my chance of negative interaction with police. I tend to get automatic respect in situations that others, especially young males and minorities, might not.
Seaver: You might want to consider that less hostility might produce a more positive result. That you had a ready insult for the security guard seems to me to indicate some pre-existing animosity. You might make things better off for yourself by being a little more cooperative. I'm not telling you what to do, just suggesting that you consider your part in the interaction and how you might be able to improve it the next time one occurs.
I'm against ending blackness. I believe that everyone has a right to be black, it's a choice, and I support that.
~Steven Colbert