Good guys in blue or black is what we were taught in school. Until that is a drug dealer and rapist moved in across the street from my parents when I was 8 years old.
We didnt know about his record right away. Until he drove his truck into my parents car that was parked in our driveway while we were eating dinner. Even with 4 witnesses it wasnt ehough because his daddy knew a judge. He could mow his lawn at 3am and no one would do a thing. He raped a teenage girl in front of a window, he peed out his front door on a regular basis, sold pot, had underage drinking parties that ended in bloody brawls and he cooked crystal meth.
The longest he spent in jail was 9 months. That was before he killed a kid on an overdose. For that he only got probation....
Yeah my trust in cops and the justive system has died. He still lives across the street from my family. Selling drugs and collecting disability because hes got bad hearing. When my mom nearly died from heart disease she couldnt get disability.
I have never had a run in with the law but I still hate the crock they have become.
If only closed minds came with closed mouths.
Minds are like parachutes, they function best when open.
It`s Easier to Change a Condom Than a Diaper
Yes, the rumors are true... I actually AM a Witch.