I think like everyone else here that there are good and bad things about me. If I were a completely good person, then there would be no room for improvement and life would become boring or I'd be in nirvana and completely at peace. That is my goal, to be at peace, but it's a long journey and I'm not ready for it to be over quite yet.
I've done a lot of good things in my life. I've helped people who were in need. Everyone knows that our place is always opened. People stranded come to stay with us, even at short notice and people traveling always have a place to sleep. If I have money, I don't hesitate to help people out. My friends know that I'm always there to listen and support them in any choice even if I don't agree with it personally.
I've done a lot of bad things too. I've never killed anyone even though some accuse me of being a factor in a person's death. But to err is human. I believe that even though I've done bad things, I'm a good person because I learn from my mistakes and make an effort to change what I've done and not let it happen in the future. I rarely make the same mistake twice and when I make a mistake I try to remedy it. I believe in karma and don't want it ot bite me in the ass.
I think that everyone should think of themselves as a good person. You have to take the good with the bad and accept that no one is perfect. If you can't accept yourself, then do something to change it. Life is a journey to become the person you want to be. There will be rough spots, but that's what makes it interesting and gives people stories to share.
Originally Posted by Gilda
What am I doing about this? Unfortunately, much of what I do still remains as an attempt at self-improvement, at moving myself forward, which is ultimately selfish. It doesn't harm others, but it certainly is not making up for the harm I've caused others.
I don't agree with this. It is not selfish when one makes themself a better person. In fact, self-improvement not only helps the person who is improving, but also benefits other's around.