Oh how damning!

You can tell Clinton is 'feeling his pain'.

Carter meets a kindred spirt!
I love how the left clings to the image of Rummy and Saddam like it means something deep. Well Carter and Castro most likely does, but lets not be stupid.
Oh and one for the few of you who know your history....
Lets see who gets this one...

"Former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, who has met Mr Kim, said that the North Korean leader was very well informed and "was not delusional"." - Thank god they didn't touch!
ugh oh I don't like where this is going. She is past child bearing years I hope.
Oh shit they touched!!! You know what this means, the democrats can't do anything with North Korea because of that touch!
HOLY SHIT even republicans are not immune to the 'touch'
One of those men killed over 10 million of his own people, guess which one!
Ugh a threeway from hell, and guess who is the bottom!
I asked the countries first neo-con about this and all he had to say about it was ...
"Thank goodness photolithography was too slow to take handshake shots in my day!"