I consider myself to be a very good person, the best I've met. That sounds ridiculous, but I'm a very humble person, while also being very observent and realistic.
I help others whenever they are in need, and I go even further in helping animals I encouter that are in need. I talk to people, and truly listen. I smile, make eye contact, and give my time to anyone that needs it.
I have an open mind, and ask questions instead of stating my opinion initially in debates/discussions. I'd rather learn something than pointlessly argue.
At work, I'm in a managerial type position, but I've been told by a few people that they don't see me being able to advance up the management ladder, due to me being too nice; and I agree entirely. I do good work, get along well with those I manage over, while still getting them to perform their job well. I am not an asshole, and refuse to change myself just to fit into a higher level management role, which unfortunately seems to be a bit of a requirement.
I am a smartass in situations that involve humor and close friends, and I consider myself to have a great sense of humor. I consider sense of humor to be one of the most important non-physical qualities in people, and I am thankful I have a good one.
I hold doors for everyone, even if they are 15 feet away; to the point where it becomes awkward for both of us. I let people turn across traffic at changing lights, and never exdperience road rage. I'm a very controlled person, very chill.
I don't give hitchhikers rides, and rarely, if ever, trust anyone.
I don't kill animals, hurt other people, or degrade others in an attempt at boosting my own status.
I don't drink, smoke, or do drugs. This may or may not tie into me being a good person. It ties into me being a healthy one, but I would consider not smoking or drinking to add to my overall goodness; but not necessarily be required in someone else's definition.
I have the utmost respect for relationships as well as the opposite sex. I hate to see females touted around like trophy horses, and I take serious issue with guys that seek out relationships for the sole purpose of breaking them up. I've experienced both, and found the experiences unfortunate.
I am ridiculously humble. The things said in this thread would never be said in person, because I am not a "ra ra" type person at all. I know I am a good person, and my actions coupled with this realization make it unnecessary for me to shout it. I also am very hard on myself. I have high standards and in reality don't consider myself to be that exceptional. In discussions with friends, we've determined I am likely too hard on myself and am exceptional, but in my head I play this off as the other party telling me what I want to hear.
I wake up every day and make decisions that will benefit me, while allowing me to enjoy life as much as possible, while still getting what I need to do, done. I am not cocky, generally lack confidence, but am realistic and know that I'm a good person, because I work at it, and get pleasure from it.
I am an amazingly positive person. I don't get depressed, and rarely experience stress. I make the absolute best of any situation, and as a result, some think I lack emotion. If my friend breaks up with a girlfriend, it's her loss. If my cat dies, she is no longer suffering. If I total my car, I still have my life. It's a mindset I work at, and enjoy. I love being positive, and I love, and enjoy, life. And as tacky as it sounds, I do, almost every single day.
I am single, and have very high standards in a partner. I've discussed this as well with friends, and we've concluded that my standards are not ridiculosuly high, but instead the standards of society so low. I'm not asking much in what I desire, but I'm also not finding it; thus I consider my standards to be high. That being said, I truly do enjoy life, and if my partner is not going to enhance that enjoyment, I don't see the point in wasting time, hers or mine.
I listen to Billy Joel.
Desperation is no excuse for lowering one's standards.