Originally Posted by Seaver
I know the truth as Will so eliquently puts it, I see with both eyes. I see how they are simply statements which are ignored by the very people who write them. How half of the sentence is worthy of repeating in a blood-chant, while the rest are suitable for being ignored.
So then you see that it is not Islam that is violent, but some members of Islam? That's what I've been saying. It's good to agree.
Ustwo, you can't spread a religon by the sword. Faith comes through acceptance, and how willing are people going to be accepting faith in their hearts with a knife at their throat? It simply doesn't make sense. Where do you get this idea that Islam is a religon that spreads through violence? Have you read the Qu'ran? Do you know any Arab Muslims? Again, I must say:
Originally Posted by Willravel
When was the last time you were in Iraq? Lebanon? Israel? UAE? Iran? I've not been to the UAE or Iran, but I do have friends and acquaintences scattered all over the ME. I've been to Iraq. I've been to Israel. I've been to Lebanon. One of my good friends in Lebanon was just killed, as a matter of fact (not to elicit sympathy for my argument, but to show that innocent Muslims die in the ME, too).
You can't speak for these people just by reading a newspaper or watching a news program, Ustwo. In order to speak for a culture, espically one that is not your own, you must be intamately familiar with it. Judging by your posts, you are not. Therefore, all this huffing and puffing about Muslim extreemism being the norm and not the exception is useless. It would be like me teaching a class on 16th century French Literature. I don't know jack shit about the subject except for maybe a week of English classes my Sophmore year in college, but I could pretend to know what I was talking about enough to where I could actually fool a few people into thinking I knew. How could I do that? Well I'm a pretty sharp guy and I'm good at talking at people, just like you.