My father in law has worked for the Peacecorps here in Guatemala for the past 25 years and i have to tell you that he is one of the persons that i kow, that enjoys the most his work. He has worked with literally thousands of volunteers and been able to make some changes in Guatemala's more needed communities. What is interesting, is that people thatr were volunteers when he was starting out in Peacecorps, is now returning to dircet the projects, as a matter of fact, the director for peacecorps in Guatemala is a volunteer that worked with hem over 20 years ago. By the volunteers i've met and talked to me about their experiences, i have to tell you that it seems to be a very enrichen experience, specially to break out of the taking for granted, living in other world attitude of most 20 somethings.
If I agreed with you weŽd both be wrong