1. In general, I think Halx's hypothesis is correct. Asian women look healthy, nubile and "pure". There's also a lot of mysticysm associated with Asian females that add allure, especially middle eastern and subcontinental women. (7 veils, etc, etc etc.) THis is also true for far-eastern women to a degree, given the closedness of their societies. It could also have to do with the fact that asian women are portrayed as being sexually subservient(sp?) to men, leading do domination fantasies, etc etc.
2. Personally, I prefer Middle Eastern women (the ones with less body hair.

) Honestly, though. Ever watched Al Jazeera? Hot chicks. And Indians too. I find Japanese women probably most attractive among far-eastern women. My racial group has got strong malay heritage, and the mix of malay/caucasian/aboriginal has led to quite exquisite women (they look similar to Brazilian women), but in general, I find malays not that attractive. (big stereotype, I know)
3. No.
4. Nothing. That said, you could probably go to Thailand for a holiday and pick up cheap pochangchang. I mean like for 50c. (really.) I was really into a Korean-American chick once. I could easily have had a serious relationship with her. Too bad she was born-again. No pussy for me.

So I didn't bother. Gawd, I'm shallow.
5. Is this a serious question?
6. Personality? That doesn't figure into this equation. Its purely a sexual thing. For some, it might also be the novelty of scoring some
Piston undo with an asian.