The first time out was fun, really. We had talked about it, and she was nervous about it, and a little anxious. That is understandable. I was just happy to see what it was like to have sex with another woman. I was 24, my wife was 27. The couple we went to meet was late 40's. Off topic real quick, we have noticed that we are in the young end of things...I don't mind! We talked casual for an hour or so. Then he asked if we wanted to get in the hot tub. He gave the option of swim suits or not. We opted for not. Took about 20 minutes, and his wife and I headed back inside to "cool off," and my wife and he followed close behind.
We talked about it on the ride home that night, and decided to keep at it. We hit a bump in the road about four months later, lasted about six months. We got things all cleared up, and we are back at it having a good ol' fuckin' time!
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.