Baraka, I left those out because that is how it's been quoted for centuries. From Sal al-Din (Saladin), to Qutb, to Hamas, Hezbolla, Iran, or every terrorist organization in Islamic history dating back to day one with the Assasins.
There are many rules of war mensioned. You can not cut down the trees of your enemies, you can not kill non-combattants or seize their items. You can not kill PoW's or poison water supplies. Unfortunately for these teachings even Muhammad ignored them (Battle of the Trench).
I know the truth as Will so eliquently puts it, I see with both eyes. I see how they are simply statements which are ignored by the very people who write them. How half of the sentence is worthy of repeating in a blood-chant, while the rest are suitable for being ignored.
The Old Testiment mensions the treatment of slaves and lepurs, are we to judge it based on that... or what is taught to our children (the golden rule, etc)? If they teach their children only the parts I quoted, and ignore the others are we to judge them based on what is taught or what is left out?
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas