I have never in my life, held someone down or locked them in a closed room in which I'm smoking.
Given the fact that I respect most societal conventions, I consider my self "considerate" when I do smoke. Which, thankfully, is a rare occasion these days. However, when I smoked regularly and when i do now it's always:
Where smoking is allowed.
Usually outside.
In a place where no one is chained up and forced to breathe in my second-hand.
Occasionally, I'm with someone who has made the choice to remain physically near me while I'm smoking even though they themselves do not smoke. In this case, I respect thier choice and allow them to remain with me, even though they've chosen to be in the same area as my smoke. In return, I try to keep the smoke away from them as much as reasonably possible.
Thus, as I have never forced anyone to inhale my secondhand somke, nor have I ever lit up in an area where it's not allowed, I think I can rest easy with my consideration of how "good" I am.
Also, desptie the apparent wishes of a large portion of American society, your morals or lack thereof (as may be the case) isn't my problem.
I can sum up the clash of religion in one sentence:
"My Invisible Friend is better than your Invisible Friend."