Wirless network connected...but not?
I just bought a d link wireless router.
I set it up so my internet(cable) goes to the router, as does my main computer.
my laptop connects wirelessly.
I can connect to the internet on both computers. I havent tried to do any file or printer sharing yet.
I have this program called Network Magic that helps me check traffic on my network and other stuff.
the problem that Im having is that my laptop never fully connects to the network. when I open the "wireless networks in range" thing and click on connect, it'll attempt to connect, and even say I'm connected in the Network Magic prog. I can even connect to the Internet.
just in the system tray it wont say connected, and I think this causes it to not be fully connected. I have to click on connect again every 20 minutes or so. I just disconects me.
Also in "wireless networks in range" it says I'm an unsecured network. How can I make myself secured?