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Old 09-22-2006, 08:27 AM   #29 (permalink)
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Location: Fort Worth, TX
Once Regan started flexing his imperialist muscles, UN power was dissolved in the face of American hegemony.

Look at where we are now: we recess-appoint a blatantly anti-UN ambassador to the UN. We scoff at the united voices of ALL THE NATIONS OF THE WORLD. America has displayed nothing but contempt for the UN and the international community, has worked to undercut UN power. And now we complain that the UN is powerless!
The UN has only been as powerful as the independent nations that support it. They need to realize that the UN is not a government over governments, after they realize that I may regain support for it.

The real answer is that the UN needs to, for want of a better phrase, grow a pair. It's time for the world's nations to unite against the USA in the name of justice, and INSIST that we stop with the imperialist bullshit. If the entire world got together as a unified front, they could stop Bush from starting any more wars. The UN needs to realize that it must work for the good of the planet even if it means going against the USA.
Yes, for the good of the world the UN needs to realize that N. Korea and Iran must be able to produce nukes!

The UN is out-dated, it needs to either be dissolved or have MASSIVE reforms done unto it. Fresh, 2001-2 model weapons found in Iraq paid for by the oil-for-food deal (as well as contributions found to the son of Kofi Anan) show how high the corruption goes. The UN has no legitimacy to anyone anymore. Iran has been given deadline after deadline to stop refining nuclear material... and they only get more deadlines.

The only power the UN has is when America and Britain force it into action. Remember Kosovo? What you don't remember is Dutch military forces were not allowed to prevent the wholesale slaughter of Bosnians, just a few miles from their position because they did not want to offend. Remember Rawanda? Remember Darfur? Oh wait, that's still going on with UN just watching and eating popcorn.

Instead they decry Israel and force a ceasefire. Only they're only sending 19 tanks... quite a force indeed.
"Smite the rocks with the rod of knowledge, and fountains of unstinted wealth will gush forth." - Ashbel Smith as he laid the first cornerstone of the University of Texas
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