I think I'm a good person overall. Yes, I've said some things I wish I hadn't. If I ran across those people I said them to, I would definitely apologize. However, overall I haven't really done anything terrible. Except once. When I was a kid I killed a frog by stepping on it. I'm not really sure why I did it. It didn't die right away so I had to put it out of it's misery. That's my worst act. It still sickens me to this day.
I didn't have a very good childhood and was forced to grow up very early. I saw people do things that were terrible to both me and other people. I learned from this. I learned to examine myself for flaws and try to fix them. I have a lot of anger and had to learn to control that. I got into a few fights when I was a kid. Starting when I was in preschool. I learned to distance myself from those I would like to hurt most. Unfortunately for a long time, that meant just about everyone.
The next things I've done is to develop a moral code for myself. I vowed to myself to try to think of the consequences of my actions. Not only to myself but to all those around me. All, meaning even people I don't really care about. I try not to talk about other people in a bad light, though I do fail that sometimes. At this time I'm also working on my way of thinking and trying to see good in people instead of my initial distrust. Though I don't think that I'll ever not see the dark side in people. I know other people think I'm a good person. I've heard it said about me. Other people have also thought I was arrogant for some reason or righteous. Someone even named their kid after me.
Anyways, so far my moral code has worked for me. I know because I'm ususally happy. I don't think I've really ever had anyone tell me they hated me. Except my brother when we were kids. But that's probably to be expected.