I'm going to go even broader out on a limb here, and say there's no such thing as "bad" and "good." You do what you do when you do it. The decisions you've made in your life have already been made, there's no sense beating yourself up over them. If you hadn't lived your life exactly the same way then you would not be you, you'd be someone else. Ratbastid says it nicely in his previous post- I will expand on that to say that one should be concerned with molding the future instead of trying to change the past.
Hell yes, I'm the most awesome person on earth

My husband says so every day, and since he doesn't ever lie to me it must be true!
Seriously tho, as far as "by other people's standards" I would say I'm a good person. Sure, I get mad at people sometimes but I control that anger and realize that I am the one getting mad, which means there's issues that I need to deal with. I have compassion and empathy for people. I expect people to excel in their lives instead of wanting to give them a free ride. I want the most out of life and go off trying to get just that. I have no tolerance for bullshit from anyone, which thus reduces the overall bullshit meter for the world's population. I love my family and friends. I would say that, in general, people I meet think I'm a good person (except for the downstairs neighbor, and I have no idea what grudge she's holding against me).