De ja vu - I was only asking myself this very question this morning.
Ok, my definition of a 'good person'. And this is over and above common courtesies of being polite and considerate to others blah blah blah. They're a given, right! - or should be.
1. I shouldn't deliberately set out to hurt any person that is important to me.
Although this is not always apparent at first, when it does become so, I should make heartfelt actions to attain forgiveness.
I was going to add a few more points, but I figure since I've failed the first point, I can answer the question here.
No - I don't think I'm a good person. I believe I use to be and I'm working on becoming one again.
I'm going back to surrounding myself with kind, considerate and importantly accepting and open people and distancing myself from those who aren't.
ciao bella!