My 9 1/2 year old daughter was fighting me to get her reading done. Normally she does not do this. I noticed, as I walked away, that she was squinting at the book. I sat down and talked with her. She is having a hard time reading the smaller size type in books. Distance seems ok, for now. So off to Davis Vision we go (my insurance covers this completely, once a year). She seemed excited to have glasses (I find out later it is because she thinks she will look prettier). I was worried that she would not quite tell the truth about what she can see or not see. But I think she did ok.
We found out, however, that she does not need glasses. Well, not necessarily. We now have to go to an opthalmologist (probably spelled wrong) for further evaluation. We are going to a vision therapist actually. She will be evaluated for Convergence Insufficiency.
I found this information
CI but I am not sure how to prepare her for this. I was a good parent and called today to make the appointment, instead of procrastinating. She goes Nov 1st so I have some time. They said that the appointment will be 1 1/2 hours and they will be dilating her eyes. She acts like it is the end of the world when she gets a paper cut. I am sure this appointment will be hard on her.
Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing? How can I prepare her for the evaluation and anything that might happen after that?