Originally Posted by Ustwo
I did forget about the peaceful role model Luis Faracon. The rest are due to mainly imigration. Is Islam being spread through violence? I can't say I know all locations, but its attempting to become the dominant force in many nations it is currently. Somalia, Indonesia, the Phillipines, all using terrorism as a way to gain control.
Gaining political control and converting people are two seperate issues. They occasionally cross paths, but I doubt many victims of terrorism are going to convert to Islam because of it.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
About the bigotry issue, if you are calling me a bigot you can fornicate yourself with a sharp stick. If you are not please disreaguard, so which is it?
I don't have to call you a bigot. You took care of that yourself.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
this is the face of islam today.
No one made you write that. You wrote it yourself, and I think you actually belive that. BTW, a bigot is a person who is utterly intolerant of any differing creed, belief, or opinion.
Another quick thing: TFP isn't ruled by anarchy. There are rules that we all follow in order to remain a member of this community. When you suggested that I fornicate on a sharp stick you broke those rules. Now, I can give as good as I get, but it's a side issue in this thread and it would be against the rules for me to come down to your level. The level you do operate on is a dangerous one, however, because you not only walk the line of good taste and forum rules, you often cross it. I suspect that your comment is ban-worthy, but I'll leave that to the moderation. Needless to say, whether you're banned or not you just destroyed your own argument by acting like a child.
If you would like to exchange insults, I will gladly give you my e-mail and we can do that all day long. TFP isn't for trading insults.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Now for the rest. I never said they were all suicide bombers, most people don't want to die, but I stand by my belief that the MAJORITY of Muslims support the use of violance, including terrorism against the US and Israel. You don't have to put dynamite on your back to support terrorism. You recall all the street celebrations in Egypt and the PA after 9/11 (The ones the PA tried to crack down on due to bad press). Those were not terrorists they were terroist supporters. The fact that they are not violent themselves does not matter, they are doing nothing to stop it and are lauding those who are 'martyrs', encouraging young people to kill themsleves in Allah's name. Its in their childrens TV shows for gods sake.
Where do you get the idea that most Muslims support violence? How many muslims do you know (the second time I've asked this question)?
Originally Posted by Ustwo
...and that is very relevant information. Whether you are violent - or support violence - against Muslims is beside the point here. People who are not Muslims are becoming more and more violent against the Muslim community here in the US. The suspected 9/11 hijackers were all Saudi. None of them was an American. There were no street celebrations in the US after 9/11 by Muslims.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
I don't I'm an atheist. As a Catholic I was always told New Testemant > Old.
Yes, the New Testimant is more relevant to Christians than the Old (because of that Jesus fellow), but that hardly negates the Old. The Old Testimant is taught in great detail in all Christian churches. Speaking as the son of a pastor who lived his childhood in a bible, I can say that with great confidence. How can we understand Jesus without the massive context given by the Old Testament?
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Muslim culture in most muslim nations has been subverted by the extremists, they have been teaching their children the special brand of hate and revisionist history. This is the majority of muslims in muslim lands. Not every muslim is a terrorist, but their culture has become such.
When was the last time you were in Iraq? Lebanon? Israel? UAE? Iran? I've not been to the UAE or Iran, but I do have friends and acquaintences scattered all over the ME. I've been to Iraq. I've been to Israel. I've been to Lebanon. One of my good friends in Lebanon was just killed, as a matter of fact (not to elicit sympathy for my argument, but to show that innocent Muslims die in the ME, too).
You can't speak for these people just by reading a newspaper or watching a news program, Ustwo. In order to speak for a culture, espically one that is not your own, you must be intamately familiar with it. Judging by your posts, you are not. Therefore, all this huffing and puffing about Muslim extreemism being the norm and not the exception is useless. It would be like me teaching a class on 16th century French Literature. I don't know jack shit about the subject except for maybe a week of English classes my Sophmore year in college, but I could pretend to know what I was talking about enough to where I could actually fool a few people into thinking I knew. How could I do that? Well I'm a pretty sharp guy and I'm good at talking at people, just like you.