Plastic surgery is something that I have spent a lot of time thinking about. On the one hand, your body is a gift from God or fate or whom/whatever. It's something that is truely yours and should be cherished enough for you to take care of it. I've been fat and skinny, and I know what living life in each of those bodies can mean, but I always was me for me. I don't need to impress anyone with giant balls or pecks. This body is mine, and I will b e the judge of it. On the other hand, self esteem is something that is very important. It takes a great deal of strength to either come to terms with how you look or change how you look. Plastic surgery isn't as easy as laying down for a few hours and then suddenly being a supermodel. It takes time to heal, and it can be quite painful...but for some people it is a reasonable solution. Some people do work hard to maintain a great body, but just need a little help in the love handels. Some women simply want slightly larger breasts for themselves.
Enter the woman at work. Here is a wonderful, dedicated, successful woman who lives for her husband; in a bad way. I am very concerned for her because not only she has a poor self image, but the poor self image is perpetuated by her husband (an ass). I feel a great deal of pity for her, and I hope she can come to love herself.