Getting breast implants at hubby's request?
This is the latest bit of gossip at my office. A 50-something year old co-worker, who is very athletic and very thin, shows up Monday after a mysterious 'vacation', sporting brand new D-cups. She was very small breasted prior to the surgery, so it's a *noticeable* difference.
Here's the part of this that makes me sad. She told me that she got it done because her husband wanted her to. UGH. She has the saddest look on her face this week....I don't think she wanted to get this done, it was ALL about her husband's 'wants'. This poor woman has the worst body image imaginable. She runs 5 miles daily, works out like a fiend, and her hubby will yell at her in the grocery store, "Don't even look at those pastries, you'll get fat!"
Seriously, this woman is probably 5'7" or so, and she looks to be in size 6/8 jeans. But she's constantly going on and on about how 'fat' she is and how she needs to lose weight. She drinks herbal tea all day and doesn't eat. Many of us are concerned for her.
Aside from all that, I just feel so bad that she got implants not for herself, but for her husband, because 'he wanted them.' I would be LIVID if my man told me he wanted me to have ANY kind of plastic surgery.
Anyway. I just feel really bad for her.