Originally Posted by Seaver
These are just a couple, and strictly from the Qur'an. The various other texts and teachings get much worse. So you see why the whole "Religion of Peace" is PC crap.
I was told by a Jordanian friend (one of the nicest guys I know) of a profficy where the Jews would be all pushed into the sea and murdered. I looked it up for a post a while back and found out he wasn't making it up.
"The Prophet said: the Resurrection will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them. The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice [in it], rejoice in Allahs Victory. The Muslims will kill the Jews, and he will hide
The Prophet said: the Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh servant of Allah, oh Muslim this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!. Why is there this malice? Because there are none who love the Jews on the face of the earth: not man, not rock, and not tree everything hates them. They destroy everything they destroy the trees and destroy the houses. Everything wants vengeance on the Jews, on these pigs on the face of the earth, and the day of our victory, Allah willing, will come."
-Sheik Ibrahim Madiras Friday sermon, PA TV Sept. 10, 2004:
If this is a religion of peace I'd hate to see one of the violent ones.
Originally Posted by willravel
OMG NOT THIS AGAIN. Seaver, do I really have to post the numerous Christian, Jewish, Hindu, etc. texts that seem to allow for violence, racism, war, murder, etc. etc.? This has been done over and over and over, you'd think people would finally stop making that argument. Jesus Christ.
Plus please find such things in the new Testiment.