I trust my best friend. Why don't I list my parents, or my brother? Because I am an open book- and there would be nothing that I would consider a secret that I would want them to know. I can think of a couple more people (2 or 3) who i'd trust with most everything, but wouldn't tell them because I don't want them to know. If there's something bad enough for me to want to keep to myself, they will not get to know about it. It's not because I don't trust them- it's because I simply wouldn't want them to know.
My best friend, however, has my ultimate trust. He's also the one I can tell anything to because I know that he will never pass judgment, and he will always steer me right- especially if "right" is not what I want, and not where i'm heading. Now that I'm thinking about it, we've known each other for 10 years now... amazing how time flies.